Our Fingerprint


The CrossWinds Fingerprint is CrossWind's core values.  This is how we work for the glory of Christ.

BIBLE: We believe relevant, expositional Bible teaching and Christ-centered worship are the backbone of church health.

COMMUNITY: We believe authentic relationships that serve one another honor Christ in the life of the church.

GOSPEL: We believe the gospel message is the power to change lives and grow the church.

OUTREACH: We believe in reaching our community by serving our community.

DISCIPLESHIP: We believe God called us to be disciples and make disciples.

FAMILY: We believe in the importance of a healthy biblical family and supporting parents in their responsibility for the spiritual health of their children.

CULTURE: We believe in engaging our culture and redeeming it for the glory of Christ.

Learn more about the unique CrossWinds fingerprint by reading about it in the iBookstore or on Kindle.

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