How to Connect

We want to know you!

Our goal is to welcome you into the CrossWinds family and introduce you to people who want to help you get connected. Why? Because we love Jesus!

Helpful Information – We would love to share a small amount of information with you about who we are and how you can plug in at CrossWinds. This Information Packet is available at our Welcome Desk.

Coffee – We’d love to share a cup of coffee with you. So stop in the Nexus area for a cup of coffee and some great conversation. – One great way to learn about CrossWinds is to go to and explore who we are. You will quickly get a flavor of how we live out our values through ministry.


Connection Classes

WELCOME TO CROSSWINDS is our guest-oriented Sunday morning gathering. It is taught by Pastor Kurt Trucksess and provides a warm, lively orientation for our guests. Please contact church office for availability.

Over two sessions, guests will be introduced to the EFCA denomination, CrossWind's history, CrossWind's Vision, CrossWind's Core Values, the web site and the church social networking system called Church Center. You will also have a chance to meet leaders from various ministries. Ministries include:
• CrossWinds Kids (similar to Sunday School for children)
• CrossWinds Youth (similar to Sunday School for Jr. and Sr. High students)
• CrossWinds University (similar to Sunday School for adults)
• Jr. and Sr. High Youth Groups
• Life Group Leaders
• The Library
• Men's Ministry
• Women's Ministry


How do I become a member of CrossWinds?

If you desire to pursue membership, please attend the CrossWinds membership course. It is a study of the 10 doctrinal points of the EFCA. If, after the course, you can affirm the CrossWinds vision, values and the 10 points of the EFCA, you are invited to share your testimony with the Leadership and Elder Boards for church membership. Please contact our church office at (712) 336-3537 for availability.


How do I register?

To maintain an atmosphere in which friendships and connections can truly develop, space for each session of WELCOME TO CROSSWINDS is limited. Please contact our church office at (712) 336-3537 to register.