Discussion Starter Questions

Discussion Starter Questions


  1. How long have you lived in this community? 
  2. Describe your family? 
  3. How did you meet? (Skip if singles in group)
  4. What is your favorite vacation? 
  5. What are your hobbies? 
  6. If you were guaranteed not to fail, what would you chose to do? 
  7. If there were one thing in life that you could do over, what would it be and why? 
  8. What is important to you in a church
  9. To further connect with the church, what would you like to do? What do you think you would really enjoy? Which is more you?
    • Get involved by serving - greeter, usher, coffee server, teacher, music, technology, childcare, property maintenance, etc
    • Participate in a Life Group