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What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? - Pt. 2

August 23, 2015 Speaker: Kurt Trucksess Series: What Does The Bible Say About Sexuality?

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching

In this message we examine some common questions about homosexuality.

  1. If homosexuality is wrong, why doesn't the Bible talk about it more?
  2. Doesn't the Bible only refer to violent and abusive same-sex relationships?
  3. Why would God give people homosexual desires and not want them fulfilled?
  4. Will practicing homosexuals go to heaven because Jesus forgives their sin?
  5. Why should I know about the legalization of same-sex marriage?
  6. Where can I find hope in my struggle with sexual sin?
  • Sermon Handout - PDF
  • Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX

More in What Does The Bible Say About Sexuality?

September 6, 2015

What Does The Bible Say About Transgender Issues?

August 16, 2015

What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? - Pt. 1

August 9, 2015

What Does The Bible Say About Heterosexuality?