NEW SERVICE TIMES: starting in 2025, we will begin worship at 8:30 & 10:15 am

Command 4 - Remember To Keep the Sabbath Holy

June 17, 2018 Speaker: Kurt Trucksess Series: Freedom in the 10 Commandments

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Exodus 20:8–11

How many of us put too much on our plate at an all-you-can-eat buffet? Most of us pile our plates full. That doesn't just happen at a buffet. It also happens with our schedules in life. We try to do too much and end up feeling overwhelmed. Do you ever wish you could take a break? Thankfully, you can. As a gift, God gave us one day each week as a day to rest so we can be refreshed physically and spiritually. God commands us to take a break. Join us as we learn why God gave us the gift and command of the Sabbath. 

More in Freedom in the 10 Commandments

August 4, 2018

Command 10 - Do Not Covet

July 22, 2018

Command 9 - Do Not Lie

July 15, 2018

Command 8 - Do Not Steal