NEW SERVICE TIMES: starting in 2025, we will begin worship at 8:30 & 10:15 am

Command 5 - Honor Your Father And Mother

June 24, 2018 Speaker: Kurt Trucksess Series: Freedom in the 10 Commandments

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Exodus 20:12

We live in a time that glorifies rebellion, especially against parents. Good luck finding a teen band that sings, "Have you helped your parents lately?" Good luck finding a teenage magazine that encourages you to help with chores around the house. Teen rebellion is glorified while honoring parents is vilified. God calls us to swim against the current on this one. The Bible promises that fighting against parents takes away life while honoring parents is the key to blessing in life, not just in your teen years but even through your adult years. Join us as we learn the importance of honoring the God-ordained authority figures in our lives. 

More in Freedom in the 10 Commandments

August 4, 2018

Command 10 - Do Not Covet

July 22, 2018

Command 9 - Do Not Lie

July 15, 2018

Command 8 - Do Not Steal