NEW SERVICE TIMES: starting in 2025, we will begin worship at 8:30 & 10:15 am

Command 9 - Do Not Lie

July 22, 2018 Speaker: Kurt Trucksess Series: Freedom in the 10 Commandments

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Exodus 20:16

When he finally turned himself into police, he stole $64.8 billion dollars. Bernie Madoff pulled off the largest financial frauds in U.S. history and the largest Ponzi scheme in world history. How did he do it? It was based on his ability to lie. He was such a good liar that almost 5,000 people entrusted their savings into his hands. While Bernie pulled off one of the largest lies in world history that damaged the US economy, we are inundated with hundreds of smaller lies every day, which seek to damage our history. Join us as we learn the source of lies and God's plan to restore truth.

More in Freedom in the 10 Commandments

August 4, 2018

Command 10 - Do Not Covet

July 15, 2018

Command 8 - Do Not Steal

July 8, 2018

Command 7 - Do Not Commit Adultery