NEW SERVICE TIMES: starting in 2025, we will begin worship at 8:30 & 10:15 am



Children's Worship is our Sunday morning ministry to children 3 years old through 5th grade. Classes are offered during both worship services. (September thru May).

During Sunday worship services (September thru May), we provide educational, fun, and exciting ministry opportunities for kids of all ages! This Sunday morning ministry seeks to aid children in understanding the basic scope and sequence of the Bible. 

Preschoolers age 3 to those in Kindergarten experience Children's Worship in the gym. Their growing understanding of God is nurtured through Bible lessons, story retelling, craft, worship through song and prayer. Stations or centers help match attention span and growing independence of children this age.

1st through 5th graders will have classes on the second floor of the gym.

 SL Kids 2-100