NEW SERVICE TIMES: starting in 2025, we will begin worship at 8:30 & 10:15 am

Virtual Church - Why Gather?

August 9, 2021 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: The Danger Of Virtual Church - Why Together Is Better

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Acts 1:12–20

Is there any value to God's people gathering together? Join us this Sunday at CrossWinds Church in Spirit Lake as we consider the precedent set by the early church in Acts 1–20.

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. When you think of the early church, what are some things that come to mind?
  2. What is one highlight from the sermon and one question you had after listening to the sermon?
  3. Explore 1 Corinthians 11–14 as a group. What do these chapters tell us about early church worship gatherings?
  4. Discuss the seven observations mentioned above. Would you add any? Which ones are most convicting to you?

More in The Danger Of Virtual Church - Why Together Is Better

July 25, 2021

Virtual Church - Why God Doesn't Want You Staying Home