James 3:1-12 - The Power Of Words
June 4, 2023 Speaker: Kurt Trucksess Series: Taming The Tongue
Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: James 3:1–12
In 2017, while struggling with depression, 15-year-old Molly Russell took her life. During the dark struggle, she turned to social media for help. Before her suicide, she interacted with over 2,100 posts about suicide and self-harm on Facebook and Instagram. The words of the posts convinced her that instead of seeking help, she should take her life. Recently a British court held Meta, Facebook’s parent group, liable for her death because of the words they chose to not censor. As we begin our series on taming the tongue, we learn what the Bible says about the power of our words and the importance of using every word from our lips to bring honor to God in our life.
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