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From Grumbling to Gratitude

June 25, 2023 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: Taming The Tongue

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Exodus 15:22–27, Exodus 16:1–36, Exodus 17:1–7, Philippians 2:14–18

Why are grumbling and complaining so serious in God's eyes? Join us this Sunday at CrossWinds Church in Spirit Lake as we consider the answer from Exodus 15–17.

Sermon Discussion

  1. Think back over the past 24 hours. How many times did you complain, even about seemingly mundane things?
  2. Discuss our definition on grumbling (above). Work through a recent example of grumbling/complaining from your own life. How is your grumbling an accusation against God?
  3. Read Psalm 142:1–2; Exodus 15:22–25. Is all complaining wrong? What is the key difference between sinful complaining and complaining that God accepts?
  4. Read Exodus 16:8. In what ways is all grumbling ultimately directed toward God? How is the true even when we complain about other people, circumstances, the state of our nation, etc.?
  5. Read Exodus 15:1–24. What is the connection between grumbling and forgetfulness? How can we be intentional in remembering God’s faithfulness?
  6. Read Exodus 17:7. How is grumbling a form of testing God? Why is this a big deal in God’s eyes?
  7. Read Philippians 2:14–18. What is the key to overcoming grumbling? What are some ways that you can put this into practice each day to slowly transform your heart habits?