A King of Compassion
December 3, 2023 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?
Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Luke 1:46–55, Luke 2:8–17
Is Christianity good for the world? Join us this Sunday at CrossWinds Church in Spirit Lake as we consider how Jesus's birth forever transformed the world's understanding of compassion.
Sermon Discussion
- How would you respond to someone who sees Christianity as a negative influence in the world today? How would you make sure you respond lovingly? What evidence would you point to?
- What is one takeaway from the sermon and one question that you had after hearing the sermon?
- Read Psalm 35:10; 40:17; 113:7; Proverbs 14:31; 19:17. When you consider the pagan view of compassion toward the weak, how is God’s character so radically different?
- Consider the following quote from author Tom Holland. How is this true today as well?
“The gods cared nothing for the poor. […] The heroes of the Illiad, favourites of the gods […] had scorned the weak and downtrodden. […] The starving deserved no sympathy. […] Pity risked undermining a wise man’s self control. [… Julian], sincere though he was in his hatred of [Christian] teachings […], was blind to the irony of his plan for combatting them: that it was itself irredeemably Christian.”
- Read 1 John 3:17; Galatians 6:10. Why was the Christian view of compassion for others taken so seriously? What are some ways this was on display in the early church?
- What would it look like for us to model the same compassion and concern for others that transformed the world in the first few centuries of the church?
- What is one way that you can apply the sermon this week?
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