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July 23, 2023 Speaker: Jordan Gowing Series: Broken Vessels

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: Esther 4:1–17

What can we learn from the figure of Esther in the Bible? Join us this Sunday at CrossWinds Church in Spirit Lake as we consider the answer.

Sermon Discussion

  1. What does cultural compromise look like today? Pastor Jordan suggests that the “god of our culture” is “the pleasure of self” or “whatever makes me feel good.” What are some ways that you see this compromise in your own life?
  2. What is one takeaway from the sermon and one question that you had after hearing the sermon?
  3. Why does the “Sunday School” version of the story of Esther miss the point of the book? Why is the background context so important for this book?
  4. Compare Daniel 1:8 and Esther 2:9. How does this reveal Esther’s cultural compromise? What are some other indications of her (and Mordecai’s) compromised faith?
  5. Read Esther 2:5; 3:1. What sparks “spiritual awakening” in Mordecai? Read 1 Samuel 15 to consider the failure of Mordecai’s family regarding the Amalekites.
  6. Read Esther 4:15–16; Luke 9:23–25. Why is this the defining moment of Esther’s life, no matter what comes afterward? In what way is obedience a question of allegiance? What does our obedience (or lack thereof) declare about our allegiance?
  7. Read Esther 6:1–2. How does God work on behalf of his people through his providence and “the mundane”? How might God be at work in your life in a similar way?
  8. How can the life of Esther challenge and transform you this week?

More in Broken Vessels

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