2 Samuel 17:24-19:8 - The Battle For The Kingdom

November 12, 2023 Speaker: Kurt Trucksess Series: 2 Samuel - A Better King

Topic: Sunday Morning Teaching Passage: 2 Samuel 17:24– 19:8

From 1955 until 1962, the world’s largest statue of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin loomed over Prague. The 17,000-ton monster dominated the skyline. When sculptor, Svec Polesny, applied to build the monument, he never expected to win the opportunity and spend the next five years of his life building it. During construction, the size of the project overwhelmed him. He fell into depression, became an alcoholic, and had an affair on his wife, which resulted in her committing suicide. As the monument neared completion in the spring of 1955, the project took so much out of him that Svec took his life.

In the same way, Absalom was consumed with building a monument for himself. He wanted to leave a lasting legacy no one would forget. Like Svec, his attempt to build an unforgettable monument led to the end of his life. Join us as we study the story of Absalom, a man obsessed with being remembered.

More in 2 Samuel - A Better King

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2 Samuel 24 - Needing A Better King

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2 Samuel 23 - Successful Leaders And Their Team

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2 Samuel 22 - Speaking Of God's Goodness